What We Do

Swantronics specializes in tube amp repair and servicing with a specialization in vintage amps. .We do not currently take on solid state amps, guitar pedals, or pro-audio gear. We’ll always be upfront with you when the work is out of our wheelhouse.

What to Expect

When any amp first arrives in the shop, it’s serviced before starting on any other repairs. This service is recommended annually, especially on frequently played vintage amps. Many times, a good servicing is all the amp will need. If any other repair is needed, we’ll generate an estimate for the additional work and the first half hour of labor will be credited for that work. No work is done beyond basic service until it is approved by the customer. Turnaround time varies depending on the current workload.

Standard Amp Service

Standard amp service includes:

  • testing all tubes

  • cleaning pots, jacks, etc.

  • re-tensioning tube sockets

  • cabinet inspection and tightening

  • confirm function of all features (reverb, vibrato, switching, etc)

  • safety check (hi-pot test, removal of death cap, proper grounding, etc)

  • cleaning and reflowing grounds

  • complete check of filter caps and high stress components vulnerable to aging and wear

  • inspection of all other components

  • running the amp on a resistive dummy load and measuring output power via oscilloscope

  • diagnosis of any issues

  • estimate for further repair work, if needed

Standard Amp Service Fees


All Amps

This is the service fee for all amps that come through the shop.

General Repair Work


Bench Rate

For general repairs, all work is done at an hourly rate. This is labor only and does not include parts.

Common Repair Examples

These are examples of what you might expect from some common repairs. All examples include parts and labor but do not include standard service. These are rough estimates only. Each amp has its own story and may need more or less work depending on its history.


Princeton Reverb Electrolytic Re-cap

Rough estimate of parts and labor for replacing the filter cap can, dropping resistors, and cathode bypass capacitors.


Fender Twin Reverb Electrolytic Re-cap

Rough estimate of parts and labor for replacing the filter caps, dropping resistors, and cathode bypass capacitors.


Safety Conversion

Rough estimate for installing a 3-prong cord and isolation transformer to a “widowmaker” style amp to bring it up to modern safety standards.

Henriksen Amplifiers

I also work as an engineer and repair tech for Henriksen Amplifiers. If your amp needs service, Henriksen offers an exclusive program for owners of their amps. Please contact service@henriksenamplifiers.com for more information.